I was in England

title -

I was in England

networker -

Van de Broucke José

code -


date -


sent from -

Pikkelstraat 49,8540 Deerlijk,Belgium

medium -


contents -

1) envelope

2) cut out photo

3) message

4) sheets

5) artwork photocopy

dimensions -

1) 18 x 12 cm

2) 5 x 10 cm

3) 10 x 15 cm

4) 21 x 30 cm

5) 21 x 30 cm

category -

artist’ activity documentationdocumentationenvelopehandwritten letterrubberstampsZippily

description -

The letter was sent from José De Broucke  to Luc Fierens in 1990 from Belgium to Belgium. The envelope is enriched with  a  sticker with  a comic strip and two rubberstamps: Temple post MCMXC  and a triangle in memoriam G.A.CAVELLINI.   The backside is the  photocopy of the envelope of Luc Fierens, Zippily, Livia Cases and there is a message: Decentralized but united in mail-art- Mr Luce- C.I.A. D’Haeseleer-perestrojka art Factory.

Inside there are: a cut out photo of the meeting between José and Robin Crozier, a photocopy of an artwork by José for Robin Crozier and the photocopy of the proposal of a performance with the rubberstamps of a triangle, a butterfly, 11-12-1990- Temple post MCMXC.

donation -

Fierens Luc
