[Mailart Postkunst]

title -

[Mailart Postkunst]

networker -

Wohlrab Lutz

code -


date -


sent from -

Prenzlauer Allee 210,Berlin 1055,DDR East Germany

medium -

printed matter

contents -

1) postcard

dimensions -

1) 14,5 x 10,5 cm

category -

documentationperformance documentationphotographypostcardrubberstamps

description -

The postcard was sent from Lutz Wohlrab  to Luc Fierens in 1989 from DDR East Germany to Belgium. The postcard is enriched with  rubberstamps: one with the address of the artist, one with a rabbit with a ball and one, on a backside, with: “Mailart postkunst made in GDR”. The postcard is a photo-documentation of the artists: Lutz Wohlrab, Martin Bernhardt and Dietrich Buhrow.

donation -

Fierens Luc

