Antaki Michel


Antaki Michel


Michel Antaki’s first verified exhibition was Chaque jour, l’Art à Liège change le monde at Galerie Nadja Vilenne in Liège in 2003, and the most recent exhibition was Le jardin du paradoxe- Regards sur le Cirque Divers à Liege at Musee de la vie Wallonne in Liège in 2018. Michel Antaki is exclusively exhibited in Belgium. Antaki has at least no solo shows but 3 group shows over the last 15 years (for more information, see biography). A notable show was Le jardin du paradoxe- Regards sur le Cirque Divers à Liege at Musee de la vie Wallonne in Liège in 2018. Another notable show was at Galerie Nadja Vilenne in Liège. Michel Antaki has been exhibited with Jacques Lizène and Jacques Charlier.

(1946-2019) È stato direttore artistico dei “Cirque Divers” di Liegi. Cirque Divers occupa un posto particolarmente unico nel campo dell’arte e della cultura. Concerti, performance, conferenze, letture, interventi artistici, mostre si susseguiranno a ritmi frenetici, testimoniando l’emergere di un’arte di atteggiamento e di un rinnovato desiderio di abolire i confini tra arte e vita. […]
libro su “Cirque Divers” :
Cirque Divers was an independent cultural centre founded in 1977 by Michel Antaki in Liège(Belgium) He also put out a zine which existed till 1992 and then became C4  (
The Center closed in 1999 but had an immense story of exhibitions (Fluxus,Mail-art etc) many performances etc. In 2018 a museum in Liège did a retrospective and a catalogue was published